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Copyright © 2015 AFM Solutions, LLC

Aircraft Performance Weight and Balance Apps for iPad

PC or Mobile Platform

Takeoff Includes:

All Corrections Are Applied

One-Engine-Out Takeoff and Climb

Takeoff Distance With All Corrections Applied

And/Or Accelerate-Stop Distance and Accelerate-Go Distance

Complete Runway Analysis

Runway Optimization Applied with Obstacle Clearance

Speeds, V1, VR, V2, Enroute Speed, etc.

Takeoff Thrust

Maximum Continuous Thrust

Takeoff values are calculated after a thorough Weight Limit Analysis

... or any other applicable limit

Calculations are performed for all runway conditions:

Dry, Wet, Contaminated Runways


We Custom Design For Part 121, Part 135 Or Part 91 Use

We account for all the aircraft settings (Flaps, Anti-Ice, etc.).

Any necessary corrections such as runway slope, headwind etc. are applied.

The software combs through all the possible weight limitations without exceptions.

Our software follows the AFM (Aircraft Flight Manual) procedures in the most strict fashion, producing accurate and valid results.

Upon your request, we will program additional features and procedures, as required by your flight department.

Each Application is Written Specifically for Your Aircraft Type and Model

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